Friday, May 12, 2023

Across-the-Court Buzzer Shot at West End

Long-time staff member, Torion Emerson makes an across-the-court shot at our West End unit during a community leaders vs staff basketball game. 


Black Hawk Community Relief

 When a tornado hit the small community of Black Hawk the staff of our Oprah Winfrey Boys & Girls Club started a collection of much need items. We would like to thank everyone that donated. The staff from the Kosciusko delivered the supplies to those who needed them most. 


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Southeast Spelling Bee

Roosevelt Carter -Judge
Joslyn May - 4th Grade
Michyia Granger - 2nd Grade
Karma Riley - 3rd Grade
Imani Moore - 5th Grade
Edward Hopper - Unit Director

Congratulations to the recent winners of a Spelling Bee that was held at our Southeast Unit!